The following are journal entries by Michael Gray, an undergraduate research assistant with the Ocean Observing and Modeling Group (OOMG). Michael was aboard the R/V Thompson as part of the Seep Animal Larval Transport (SALT) research project. The cruise went from Woods Hole, MA to Gulfport, MS from 25 May […]

PBS North Carolina interviewed OOMG head Dr. Ruoying He for expert insight and analysis in Frank Graff’s March 1, 2021 article “New Study Shows the Gulf Stream Could Be Changing.” The article is one of many in recent days explaining to a popular audience the science in the scientific journal […]
NC State undergraduate Michael Gray has joined OOMG as a research assistant in spring semester 2021. While studying physics and marine science, Michael will conduct research on coastal ocean circulation, and air-sea interaction; perform data analyses on observations and numerical model output; develop/adopt python based data processing and analysis software; […]

Dr. Anna Lowe joined OOMG’s AI2ES program at NC State in February 2021 as a Postdoctoral Research Scholar with AI2ES co-PI Dr. Ruoying He. She completed her Ph.D. at the University of California Santa Cruz under advisor Chris Edwards, exploring connectivity of nearshore rockfish species on the central California coast […]

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has created five new institutes centered on artificial intelligence (AI) research, and the Ocean Observing and Modeling Group (OOMG) of North Carolina State University is among the principal awardees. The NSF AI Institute for Research on Trustworthy AI in Weather, Climate, and Coastal Oceanography includes […]

The Ocean Observing and Modeling Group is tracking Hurricane Isaias as it moves from the Caribbean Sea toward the U.S. mainland, in a path that might be very similar to Hurricane Matthew’s (2016). OOMG’s Hurricane Isaias site allows you to explore the effects the hurricane is having on weather and […]
OOMG Ph.D. student Tianning Wu participated in the NSF Deep-Sea Research Cruise aboard R/V Atlantis from March 4 to 13, 2020. The two-leg cruise traveled from the Gulf of Mexico to the US East Coast to investigate the connectivity of populations and barriers to deep-sea larval transport. Tianning took part […]
Dr. Joe Zambon was invited by the NC State Libraries to give a talk on GIS Week, a week featuring Geographic Information Systems and the different types of data that can be represented. Dr. Zambon presented on a wide-format, interactive display at the Hunt Library with a basic introduction to […]

The Ocean Observing and Modeling Group at NC State University is closely watching Hurricane Dorian as it moves northward along the U.S. Atlantic coast. Using our Coupled Northwest Atlantic Prediction System (CNAPS), we are providing a 3-day forecast of the hurricane’s path and intensity, updated daily. CNAPS models ocean conditions, atmospheric […]

The 2019 Middle Atlantic Bight Physical Oceanography and Meteorology (MABPOM) meeting will be held in Raleigh, NC on the campus of NC State University. The 1.5 day gathering brings together ocean scientists and marine meteorologists from the northeast U.S. and mid-Atlantic coast. The focus of the MABPOM meeting is on the oceanography and […]