US map of NSF AI institutes and partners

OOMG Part of NSF AI Institute

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has created five new institutes centered on artificial intelligence (AI) research, and the Ocean Observing and Modeling Group (OOMG) of North Carolina State University is among the principal awardees. The NSF AI Institute for Research on Trustworthy AI in Weather, Climate, and Coastal Oceanography includes of NC State, University of Oklahoma, Colorado State University, SUNY Albany, Texas A&M, University of Washington, Del Mar College, and the National Center for Atmospheric Research, as well as other partners and collaborators around the U.S. Industry partners include IBM, Google, and NVIDIA.

This Institute will accelerate research in AI, expand America’s workforce, and transform society, with a focus on atmospheric and ocean science and risk communication to address climate, weather, and coastal hazards prediction.

OOMG will use AI and machine learning to develop and improve numerical ocean models that can address coastal flooding, storm impacts, and water quality hazards such as harmful algal blooms (“red tide”).

Artificial intelligence and machine learning involve tasks such as training computers to recognize patterns in existing data to better predict when certain outcomes will occur, to analyze the data for patterns too complex for humans to easily identify, and to sift through the great quantities of data being generated daily by satellites, smart devices, and other infrastructure.

OOMG is excited to contribute to these cutting edge scientific advances in oceanography and in advancing our understanding of the ocean and public welfare.

See the details of the NSF announcement here.

Read the NC State announcement here.