Atlantis cruise participants

Zambon on UNOLS Deep Submergence Training Cruise

OOMG Post Doc Joe Zambon participated in the UNOLS Deep Submergence Training Cruise this past summer from 26 July through 8 August.  His successful proposal was to utilize the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Sentry, in conjunction with the Alvin submarine, to conduct an investigation of the near-bottom currents.  Using this novel approach, he will compare these deep ocean currents to models run daily at NC State to investigate larval transport.  In addition to his research, Joe assisted over two dozen other early career marine biologists, geologists, chemists, and engineers with their investigations.  The cruise was split into two parts linked by cutting-edge telepresence from the University of Rhode Island’s Inner Space Center.  While at sea, Joe discussed his research and answered questions via satellite to the NC Museum of Natural Sciences and classrooms across the country. Other MEAS participants included Post Doc Joanna Kinsey and Doreen McVeigh.

Atlantis cruise live feed interviewJoe Zambon and Joanna Kinsey onboard R/V Atlantis answering questions by live video feed to the NC Museum of Natural Sciences.

Joe Zambon and Robert BallardJoe Zambon and renowned oceanographer Robert Ballard discussing research objectives via satellite from the University of Rhode Island’s Inner Space Center to R/V Atlantis.

ice bucket after Alvin dive

 Joe Zambon “welcoming” back first-time Alvin divers Laura Bagge (Duke University) and Kevin Kocot (University of Alabama) with the traditional ice bath.

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