OOMG Director Ruoying He and PhD Candidate Laura McGee were at sea 13 October – 2 November 2022, participating in R/V Atlantis‘s AT-50 research cruise. The research cruise left port in Pensacola, FL to conduct research on methane seeps along the west coast of Florida and U.S. East Coast for […]

The following are journal entries by Michael Gray, an undergraduate research assistant with the Ocean Observing and Modeling Group (OOMG). Michael was aboard the R/V Thompson as part of the Seep Animal Larval Transport (SALT) research project. The cruise went from Woods Hole, MA to Gulfport, MS from 25 May […]
OOMG Ph.D. student Tianning Wu participated in the NSF Deep-Sea Research Cruise aboard R/V Atlantis from March 4 to 13, 2020. The two-leg cruise traveled from the Gulf of Mexico to the US East Coast to investigate the connectivity of populations and barriers to deep-sea larval transport. Tianning took part […]
The bottom-mounted research instruments utilized by Processes Driving Exchange at Cape Hatteras (PEACH) scientists sit anywhere from 20 meters to more than 3000 meters beneath the surface of the ocean. These instruments measure the entire water column above using a variety of remote and in situ methods of data collection. […]
OOMG members Dr. Joe Zambon (Research Assistant Professor), Shun Mao (Ph.D. Student) and the rest of the multi-institutional Processes Driving Exchange at Cape Hatteras (PEACH) team arrived in their study region and science operations began. While the R/V Neil Armstrong has been recording important scientific data since leaving the dock […]

OOMG member Dr. Joe Zambon tested a balloon-carried radiosonde with the help of NCSU’s Dr. Matt Parker from the roof of Jordan Hall. After filling the large balloon with helium, Joe and Matt zip-tied it closed, then attached the unwinder. Between the balloon and the radiosonde, the unwinder gently spools […]
A research cruise in the Gulf of Mexico to support the project Three-Dimensional Gulf Circulation and Biogeochemical Processes Unveiled by State-of-the-Art Profiling Float Technology and Data Assimilative Ocean Models will take place May 1-10, 2017. University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) is leading the expedition, aboard the R/V F. […]
Onboard the R/V Neil Armstrong, OOMG’s Joe Zambon and NCSU Marine Science undergrad Lauren Ball have been assisting with the NSF-funded Processes investigating Exchange Around Cape Hatteras (NSF-PEACH) project. A crucial component of the ongoing cruise is to utilize real-time in situ, satellite, and model data to assist Chief Scientist […]
Valerie Winzenried, a retired gifted-education teacher and an education consultant for Eastman, boarded the R/V Neil Armstrong last week. During her time at sea, she has been participating in hands-on research and data analysis along with onboard scientists. In addition, she has been interviewing researchers in order to construct lesson […]