The Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology & Science (KIETS) at NC State University and the NC State Coastal Resilience and Sustainability Initiative have chosen Dr. Ruoying He and Ms. Amanda Mueller to lead the development of the KIETS Climate Leaders Program. Dr. He will be the Senior Faculty Fellow and Ms. Mueller […]

OOMG Research Assistant Professor Dr. Joe Zambon provided expert insight to the potential usefulness of sail drones in hurricane data collection. WTVD-TV Raleigh-Durham interviewed Joe at the beginning of the 2021 hurricane season, which will be the first season in which Saildrone, Inc. will send its guided, autonomous, unmanned robots […]

The following are journal entries by Michael Gray, an undergraduate research assistant with the Ocean Observing and Modeling Group (OOMG). Michael was aboard the R/V Thompson as part of the Seep Animal Larval Transport (SALT) research project. The cruise went from Woods Hole, MA to Gulfport, MS from 25 May […]

PBS North Carolina interviewed OOMG head Dr. Ruoying He for expert insight and analysis in Frank Graff’s March 1, 2021 article “New Study Shows the Gulf Stream Could Be Changing.” The article is one of many in recent days explaining to a popular audience the science in the scientific journal […]

OOMG lab manager Jennifer Warrillow spoke to engineering students at Sanderson High School in Raleigh, NC in November 2018 about the application of engineering principles to oceanography. She explained the design and mechanics of OOMG’s Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), a Slocum G1 glider. Principles discussed include: how to make the […]
NCSU’s College of Science set up tables of information and activities throughout Hunt Library on April 21. The Ocean Observing and Modeling Group was represented by Nabi Allahdadi, Shun Mao, Laura McGee, and Jennifer Warrillow. Hundreds of people toured the Library to learn about the science conducted at the university. […]
Valerie Winzenried, a retired gifted-education teacher and an education consultant for Eastman, boarded the R/V Neil Armstrong last week. During her time at sea, she has been participating in hands-on research and data analysis along with onboard scientists. In addition, she has been interviewing researchers in order to construct lesson […]
Approximately 250 eighth grade students from Weddington Middle School (near Charlotte, NC) began their three-day field trip to NC’s Outer Banks with a marine science presentation by OOMG scientists at NC State University’s James B. Hunt, Jr. Library. On March 29, graduate student Laura McGee, Lab Manager Jennifer Warrillow, and […]
OOMG Postdoc Joe Zambon took some time away from visiting family over the winter break to talk to a group of 40 students at Victor Junior High School in Victor, NY. Teachers and administrators invited Joe to speak to the school’s Young Women’s Leadership and The Young Men’s Leadership Groups comprised of […]
OOMG member Laura McGee visited Mrs. Schuman’s 5th grade math class at Briarcliff Elementary to give a talk on hurricanes. She used the Coupled Northwest Atlantic Prediction System (CNAPS) forecast of Hurricane Matthew to illustrate the low pressure, high wind, and high wave conditions that occur in hurricanes, and to […]