Sail drone in the ocean

OOMG Interviewed About SailDrones

OOMG Interviewed About Sail Drones

OOMG Research Assistant Professor Dr. Joe Zambon provided expert insight to the potential usefulness of sail drones in hurricane data collection.  WTVD-TV Raleigh-Durham interviewed Joe at the beginning of the 2021 hurricane season, which will be the first season in which Saildrone, Inc. will send its guided, autonomous, unmanned robots into hurricanes to collect data on the ocean surface.

Like gliders, sail drones can be guided by pilots on shore, so can be sent into a hurricane with no risk to humans or more expensive equipment like ships or aircraft. This summer, OOMG’s collaborators plan to collect simultaneously hurricane data in the ocean using gliders and at the ocean-air interface using sail drones.

Accurate data from the active areas of the ocean during a storm event are valuable for informing and validating ocean models. OOMG looks forward to this new innovation in ocean science.

Click the image to watch the full 9 June 2021 interview: