Winter Break Outreach

OOMG Postdoc Joe Zambon took some time away from visiting family over the winter break to talk to a group of 40 students at Victor Junior High School in Victor, NY.  Teachers and administrators invited Joe to speak to the school’s Young Women’s Leadership and The Young Men’s Leadership Groups comprised of students aged 10-14.  These groups have been formed for interested students to gain valuable service and leadership skills.  Joe was asked to present some interesting aspects of his career to this diverse group.

Victor’s students were actively interested in a number of different facets of oceanography.  Joe presented video and images of his previous adventures on various research vessels, autonomous vehicles, robots, and human-occupied submersibles.  In addition, Joe led discussion on various ocean models, opening the door for instructors to utilize OOMG’s CNAPS model in conjunction with pre-designed lesson plans available via SciREN.

After his talk, several students approached Joe and asked interesting questions about different aspects of physical and biological oceanography.  Unfortunately time was limited as most students had to catch their busses.  Everyone in attendance was encouraged to follow-up any questions with Joe and other members of OOMG.

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