PEACH Cruise Underway

Dr. Joe Zambon and over a dozen scientists and PIs making up the PEACH (Processes Driving Exchange aCape Hatteras; NSF Award #1559476) project departed the frozen waters of Woods Hole, MA on Monday morning (8-January) for Cape Hatteras onboard the R/V Neil Armstrong.  The first day of travel was difficult with high seas and crashing waves.  The anticipated transit time is 36 hours from Woods Hole, MA to offshore Cape Hatteras, NC.

Upon arrival, dive teams will attempt to retrieve moorings to replace broken equipment and change depleted batteries.  This equipment, including bottom-mounted current profilers, deep ocean moorings and meteorological buoys, was deployed during the first cruise of the PEACH project in April 2017.

While the refurbishment of this equipment represents the highest priority to the science party, the next couple weeks will include investigating a number of physical parameters in the Gulf Stream to determine the mechanisms causing Gulf Stream fluctuations and air-sea interaction.

Stay tuned as Joe will provide updates when time and internet connectivity permit.


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