Irma 7-Day Forecast Updates (Sept 6 and 7)

Over the last few days, the 7-day forecast experiment upgrade has been working well.  Our output from forecasts initialized on the 6th and 7th are largely in line with the forecast models that the National Hurricane Center (NHC) has been favoring in their forecast tracks.  We have been utilizing additional resources provided by the High Performance Computing (HPC) center at NC State for our experimental 7-day simulations.  However, the operational 3-day model simulations are our first priority to assess immediate hazards, so these experimental 7-day products take longer to develop.

Here are links to our CNAPS 7-Day Forecast Initialized September 6th and September 7th.

As Irma moves closer to land and becomes a hazard to the mainland U.S. within our normal 72-hour forecast window, we will provide analysis on both products.

Stay tuned.

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