OOMG director Dr. Ruoying He was honored to be named a Goodnight Innovation Distinguished Professor this month. He received the honor for his contributions to oceanography and to NC State University’s College of Sciences. Dr. He has been awarded numerous research grants for his work in oceanography, pursued strategic national and international collaborations, served […]

This week OOMG members Roy He, Joe Zambon, and Jennifer Warrillow attended the 2018 SECOORA Meeting in Charleston, SC. Tuesday, Roy presented a talk on CNAPS model development, advances in data assimilation, and improving model resolution. Roy was also presented with a gift as his tenure on the SECOORA board came to an […]
Dr. He visited Nagoya University in Japan in December 2017 to promote collaboration on western boundary current dynamics and prediction. Just as the U.S. is adjacent to the strong Atlantic Ocean western boundary current called the Gulf Stream, Japan abuts the Pacific Ocean’s Kuroshio Current (see the post on Why […]

“The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine undertook a study to identify existing knowledge gaps about the Loop Current System and to develop a list of recommended efforts to fill those gaps. The resulting report, released today, calls for an international, multi-institutional campaign of complementary research, observation, and analysis activities […]

OOMG member Dr. Joe Zambon tested a balloon-carried radiosonde with the help of NCSU’s Dr. Matt Parker from the roof of Jordan Hall. After filling the large balloon with helium, Joe and Matt zip-tied it closed, then attached the unwinder. Between the balloon and the radiosonde, the unwinder gently spools […]

Many, many thanks to NC Sea Grant and NC Space Grant for their gracious support and funding for my upcoming project, Investigation of Marine Physical-Biogeochemical Interactions During Storm Conditions Off of the North Carolina Coast. This work will use long-term satellite observations, in-situ data, and numerical model analysis to examine […]
Dr. Roy He served on the PhD committee of Ann Kristin Sperrevik at the University of Bergen, in Norway, and attended her defense in June 2017. Her thesis title is “Modeling coastal circulation in Norway using a high-resolution 4D-Var ocean assimilation system.” Also serving on Ms. Sperrevik’s committee were Dr. […]

The Kenan Institute of Engineering, Technology, and Science (KIETS) at NC State University has funded OOMG’s research on Dynamical Model Downscaling of Climate Change and Its Impacts on Marine Environmental Conditions Off North Carolina. Support for this research into the slowdown on the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) will enable OOMG to […]
OOMG director Dr. Roy He and grad student Laura McGee attended the Gordon Research Seminar and Conference at the University of New England from June 9 – 16, 2017. Dr. He served as the co-chair of the conference this year, along with Dr. Jack Barth. Vice-chair was Dr. Erica McPhee-Shaw. […]
A research cruise in the Gulf of Mexico to support the project Three-Dimensional Gulf Circulation and Biogeochemical Processes Unveiled by State-of-the-Art Profiling Float Technology and Data Assimilative Ocean Models will take place May 1-10, 2017. University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) is leading the expedition, aboard the R/V F. […]