Understanding and Predicting the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current, Topic 8: Numerical Modeling
Sponsor: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Florida State University: Steven Morey, Eric Chassignet
Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada: Julio Sheinbaum
Chevron: James Stear
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Pierre Lermusiaux
North Carolina State University: Ruoying He (lead PI), Peter Hamilton, Joseph B. Zambon
Scripps Institute of Oceanography: Bruce Cornuelle, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan
University of California, Santa Cruz: Andrew Moore
Funding Period
January 2019 - June 2022
The overarching goal of this project is to achieve greater understanding of the physical processes that control circulation in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), specifically the Loop Current and Loop Current eddy separation dynamics, through advanced data assimilative modeling and analyses. The project, closely following recommendations made in the National Academies consensus report (2018) “Understanding and Predicting the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current Critical Gaps and Recommendations”, in particular Recommendation 22, will perform a new skill assessment of existing GOM prediction systems to test current model performance in resolving both surface and subsurface circulation, evaluate long-range prediction capabilities, and better inform the observing campaign’s final design.
Work is in progress.