Project Details

Rapid Environmental Assessment Using an Integrated Coastal Ocean Observation Modeling System

Sponsor: Office of Naval Research - Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative

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Rutgers University: Oscar Schofield, Scott Glenn, John Wilkin
WHOI: Dennis McGillicuddy, Glenn Gawarkiewicz
Dalhousie University: Katja Fennel
California Polytechnic State University: Mark Moline

Funding Period

2006 - 2011


We will develop a data assimilative physical-optical modeling-observation system consisting of an ensemble of optical models of varying complexity in order 1) to improve our predictive skill for forecasting ocean color and 2) improve physical models by using ocean color to discriminate hydrographic features not detected using traditional data streams. We will study the regulation of ocean color for a broad western boundary continental shelf with a specific focus on regions of high of optical variability (fronts) which coincide with regions of high acoustic uncertainty.