Project Details

Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (SECOORA): Delivering actionable coastal and ocean information from high-quality science and observations for the Southeast

Sponsor:  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA logo


SECOORA: Debra Hernandez
North Carolina State University: Ruoying He
Fathom Science LLC: Joseph Zambon

Funding Period

July 2021 – June 2026


The primary goal of this project is to support all three SECOORA theme areas by developing the state-of-the-art prediction capability and near-real time nowcast/ forecast for regional-scale marine environment conditions. The resulting capability to model and predict the transport of heat, salt, organisms, nutrients, and pollutants bears materially upon SECOORA’s ability to address all important scientific and societal issues related to 1) Coastal Hazards and Climate Variability, 2) Ecosystems (both living marine resources and water quality), and 3) safe and efficient Marine Operations.


Work is in progress.